Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Bruised Rib

Hi. BJJ practice was good today. We didn't really do anything special. I've just noticed that I'm getting better at defending from open guard. The only thing that I really noticed today is a pain on my right side near my arm pit. It's one of my ribs. It's been bothering me since last week. So, I tried to stretch my side on Saturday. When working with Cory, it just got worse. Then, I sparred with Chuck which killed me. I had to be on my side defending from a side mount. It hurt and kept on screaming for my attention. At one point, I started yelling because it hurt. Then, I heard Cory say that I'll have to do fifteen push-ups for every yell I do. That kept me quiet. Cory says that I have a bruised rib and it takes forever to heal. That sucks. He suggested that I should it my hit myself in a wooden rod, so I can learn to suck it up. Chuck says that I should always have a poker face. I'm such a pansy. Sarah says that I'll get used to it.


ZenHG said...

Mind over matter, if you don't mind then it won't matter.

Train some Sanchin, proper Sanchin, not that tension stuff you learned at the Dojo.
Once you have the posture down and the focus, then you won't have to worry about those ribs, unless you get hit by a car.

Lizzie Woolley said...

How should I practice Sanchin then??

ZenHG said...

I'll send you an outline.

Lizzie Woolley said...


ZenHG said...

The outline of my own Sanchin Practice is posted over on my blog.

Lizzie Woolley said...
